Once we receive and review your referral you will be given specialist support from our Active Forth level 4 Physical Activity Referral consultants. Access to centre-based activity via referral will only start after completion of second appointment.
1st call: We went to get to know you, review your referral and discuss personalised physical activity plans. We'll explore centre -based options and guide you on setting up pay-as-you-go or monthly payments. Feel free to ask any questions about physical activity or Active Forth. Once done, we will book you for a 2nd appointment.
2nd appointment: At your chosen centre, we'll take physical measurements to track your progress, help you set personal goals for the next 24 weeks and start your first physical activity session to tailor your plan. We'll also set up your pay-as-you-go or monthly access. Before you leave, we can help schedule your next visit or first gym programme review.
12 and 24 week Reviews: Throughout the 24 weeks, your consultant will regularly review your physical activity plan suggesting adjustments in the gym, classes or activities outside the centre to suit your progress or health changes. You can request reviews as often as needed, including from the gym team. We'll also check in 4-6 weeks after you start, and you'll have 12 and 24 week appointments to revisit your plan, goals and measurements. These check-ins are a great way to stay on track, even if progress has slowed.