We have a fantastic range of healthy outdoor activities to suit 9 to 17 year olds looking for adventurous fun activities during the school holidays.
No previous experience necessary – we provide the transport, instructors, equipment you will need for the course - just bring a full change of clothing including footwear you don’t mind getting wet, a towel, a packed lunch and something healthy to drink, any medication you might need to take when out with us (like an asthma inhaler for instance), and a sense of adventure.
Parents or carers will need to fill in an up to date consent form on the day of your activity. This can be done during drop off at the Outdoor Activity Base in Skinflats.
Go online, select Outdoor Activities, then Easter Youth Programme to see and book the courses.
For more information about the activities email us at outdooractivities@falkirk.gov.uk
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