Warm up: 5-8 Minutes of light walking around the house or in your garden if possible.
Round 1
- 2 min - Knee Lifts & Oblique Twist. Standing with feet hip width apart, lift one knee up and bring opposite hand over to tap knee, add twist through waist. Repeat individually left then right.
- 1 min - Knee Bends. Keep feet hip wide apart, bend knees, pushing bottom back, lifting chest.
- 2 min - Side Taps & Shoulder raise. Standing with feet hip width apart, tap each foot out to the side, at same time lift arms up to side, no higher than shoulder height.
- 1 min - Aerobic style Hamstring curls. Standing with feet wide, lift heels up toward bottom, pulling arms back at same time.
- 2 mins - March on Spot.
- 1 min - Recovery.
Round 2
- 2 min - Step ups onto low step.
- 1 min - Heel Digs and Chest Press. Standing with feet hip width, tap heels in front of you, at same time push arms forward (as if pushing someone away).
- 2 min - Toe backs and Standing Row. Standing with feet hip width, step toes behind you, at same time imagine pulling a rope towards you, keeping arms at shoulder height. (Each time you tap behind you are pulling arms back).
- 1 min - Wall/Chest press. Standing facing a wall, place hands wide apart at shoulder level, take a step back, let arms bend and bring nose & body towards wall. Imagine pushing the wall away from you.
- 2 mins - March on spot.
Round 3
- 2 mins - Sit to Stands. From a seated position, place hands on thighs, stand up and sit back down. Repeat
- 1 min - Front Kicks. Standing with feet hip width, kick each leg out in front of you and extend opposite arm at same time (imagine kicking a football).
- 2 min - Box Steps. Standing with feet hip width, take a wide step forward on left side, then right side, then step back, continue this for 1 minute on left foot then swap and do this for 1 min starting on right foot. (Imagine drawing out a square with your feet).
- 1 min - Side Bends. Standing with feet wide, let left arm slowly side down outside of leg, come back to centre and repeat on right side.