The Bookbug gifting scheme aims to inspire a love of reading in every child by giving a bag of free books and activities to every family Scotland at key developmental stages.
The Bookbug programme is delivered by libraries, local authorities and health authorities, in partnership with national reading charity Scottish Book Trust.
The Bookbug Bags
- Baby bag, presented to you by your health visitor when your baby is 5 weeks old
- Toddler bag, presented by your health visitor when your child is 15 months
- Explorer bag, presented at nursery school
- Primary 1 Family bag, presented at school
Are you missing a bag?
Baby or toddler bag: If you think you may have missed receiving either of these bags, check with your health visitor and then ask at your local library.
Explorer or Primary 1 bag: If you think you may have missed either of these bags, check with your child’s nursery or school first, then contact Bookbug coordinator Yvonne Manning at
If your child is educated at home and you would like an Explorer or Primary 1 bag, please contact Bookbug coordinator Yvonne Manning at