Responsible Adult
Must be at least 16 years of age and will accompany the child into the water: must be in close contact with the child at all times and maintain a constant watch over the child. The responsible adult age can be reduced if the adult is also the biological parent.
Age of Child
Children under the age of 8 years must be accompanied in the water by a responsible adult at all times.
Additional Children
May be admitted to a pool with a responsible adult (in line with maximum adult to child ratios below), if wearing swim aids such as armbands, swimseats and swimvest, that carry a kitemark symbol or are BS EN marked. Swim aids that will not be acceptable are inflatable rings, woggles and swimfloats.
Maximum Adult / Child Ratios
Swimming Pools
> 2 children age 4–7 years, if at least 1 wears a swimming aid
> 2 children, 1 age 4–7 years and 1 aged under 4, if both wear a swimming aid
> 2 children under 4 years, if both wear a swimming aid and remain in a designated area toa maximum water depth of 1.35 metres
Toddler / Teaching Pool
> 2 children under 4 years if both wear a swimming aid
> 3 children age 4–7 years if all wear swimming aids
> 2 children, 1 age 4–7 years and 1 aged under 4, if both wear a swimming aid
Wave Pool
> 2 children under 4 years if both wear swimming aids and remain in a designated area to a maximum water depth of 1 metre
> 2 children age 4–7 years if both wear swimming aids
> 2 children, 1 age 4–7, 1 age under 4 if both wear swimming aids to a maximum water depth of 1 metre
Children over the age of 8 years who are weak or non swimmers may also require supervision at the same ratios.
Groups / Birthday Parties
The same ages and ratios applying to families above, will also apply to group visits and birthday parties.
Swimming Aids
Appropriate swimming aids are available to purchase at most of our facilities and must be worn at all times.
Swim Nappies
Children will have accidents, but to ensure the pool remains open for your enjoyment swim nappies should be used if your child is not fully toilet trained. These can be purchased at all our main facilities.
There is nothing more frustrating than getting into the pool to find that your child is needing to use the toilet and you have to get out, so please encourage your child to go to the toilet before getting into the pool. Toilets are situated next to the shower area.
We all know to shower after being in the pool but did you know that showering before you swim means less chemicals are required and can make your visit a much more pleasant experience?
Eating and Swimming
We all love a snack when we go swimming but it is important to eat AFTER you have been swimming and not before, as no-one likes to see what you had to eat and no-one likes their enjoyment to be cut short as the pool has to be cleaned!
Swimming Lessons
Children are not allowed to enter the water before or after swimming lessons unless accompanied by a responsible adult