To participate in The Great Mariner Reef soft play membership you will enter into a direct debit payment arrangement with Falkirk Council which will be based on the published prices for soft play membership.
12 monthly direct debit (DD) instalments of £17.50 per month will be taken form your account for your child’s membership. Direct Debit payments will be taken from your bank account on the 1st day of each month, or within 3 working days of the 1st day.
Membership of the soft play only DD Scheme will have the benefit of unlimited soft play in the Great Mariner Reef.
Any requests for amendments and/or cancellations of your DD arrangements can only be applied between the 1st and 18th of any month. Requests after this date cannot be processed until the next update period (1st to 18th of the following month).
You will be issued with a membership card, which is non-transferable and if lost should be reported immediately to the Mariner Centre reception team so that replacement card can be issued. Please be aware we will take your child’s photograph when issuing your card.
No refunds will be provided for non-attendance on the part of the participant unless they are unable to attend for a consecutive 4-week period due to illness or injury and following the production of an appropriate medical certificate.
If any DD payment fails to be made, the participant’s soft play membership will be cancelled. The participant can withdraw from the Great Mariner Reef Soft Play membership scheme at any time by emailing or in person at the Great Mariner Reef.
We must receive cancellation requests by the 18th of the month to process cancellations for that month. Any cancellations after the 18th will be effective from the following month.
Falkirk Council will provide one month’s written notice of any alteration to the prices of the Great Mariner Reef Soft Play membership.
All correspondence from the Falkirk Council in relation to the Great Mariner Reef Soft Play membership will be sent via email or texts. Participants should ensure that Falkirk Council is provided with your most up to date contact details.
Conditions of Let:
1. All applications need to be made directly to the centre.
2. All bookings made are subject to the stated booking times. Hirers must ensure the venue is cleared at the appropriate time.
3. Falkirk Council reserves the right to grant or refuse any application in part or whole without giving any reason.
4. Falkirk Council reserves the right to cancel a party without any liability for compensation in the event of:
a. The facility being required for a Falkirk Council purpose
b. Industrial action resulting in insufficient staffing levels to open and/or run the facility
c. Any situation out with the control of the organisation necessitating in the closure of the facility, the centre manager will be the sole judge as to whether any of these events occur.
5. Cancellation by hirers: Notification of intent to cancel must be made to the venue not less than 10 days in advance to allow for a refund
6. Loss or Theft of Articles: Falkirk Council cannot accept responsibility for any loss or theft of articles from the premises or car park.
7. Loss of Service: The Council will not be responsible for any loss to the hirer caused by any breakdown of machinery, failure of gas, water or electricity, leakage from water, fire, government restrictions or Acts of God which may cause the soft play area to be temporarily closed or the party to be interrupted or cancelled.
8. Stewards: Falkirk Council does not take responsibility for unsupervised children in the facility. The hirer should ensure they have contact details of the parents/carers of all attendees in case of emergency.
9. Evacuation: the hirer is responsible, in the event of an emergency to assist with clearing the building of party guests.
10. The hirer will ensure the area is in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the hire period. In the event that extra cleaning staff is required an appropriate charge will be made.
11. Falkirk Council staff has the right to suspend or take action at their discretion on any matter which in their opinion does not comply with the terms of these conditions or which they consider necessary in the interests of safety and good order or to deal with any contingency not covered I by these conditions of let.
Conditions of Let:
1. All applications need to be made directly to the centre
2. All bookings made are subject to the stated booking times. Hirers must ensure the venue is cleared at the appropriate time.
3. Falkirk Council reserves the right to grant or refuse any application in part or whole without giving any reason.
4. Falkirk Council reserves the right to cancel a party without any liability for compensation in the event of:
a. The facility being required for a Falkirk Council purpose
b. Industrial action resulting in insufficient staffing levels to open and/or run the facility
c. Any situation out with the control of the organisation necessitating in the closure of the facility, the centre manager will be the sole judge as to whether any of these events occur.
5. Cancellation by hirers: Notification of intent to cancel must be made to the venue not less than 10 days in advance to allow for a refund
6. Loss or Theft of Articles: Falkirk Council cannot accept responsibility for any loss or theft of articles from the premises or car park.
7. Loss of Service: The Council will not be responsible for any loss to the hirer caused by any breakdown of machinery, failure of gas, water or electricity, leakage from water, fire, government restrictions or Acts of God which may cause the soft play area to be temporarily closed or the party to be interrupted or cancelled.
8. Stewards: Falkirk Council does not take responsibility for unsupervised children in the facility. The hirer should ensure they have contact details of the parents/carers of all attendees in case of emergency.
9. Evacuation: the hirer is responsible, in the event of an emergency to assist with clearing the building of party guests.
10. The hirer will ensure the area is in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the hire period. In the event that extra cleaning staff is required an appropriate charge will be made.
11. Falkirk Council staff has the right to suspend or take action at their discretion on any matter which in their opinion does not comply with the terms of these conditions or which they consider necessary in the interests of safety and good order or to deal with any contingency not covered I by these conditions of let.
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