Public Swimming Access
Did you know you can access school fitness facilities after hours? Local access makes staying healthy and well even easier! At Bo'ness Academy High, you can use the pool, astro turf, games hall, gym hall, and dance studio.
Booking Information
To make an enquiry about booking facilities at this school, please contact the Community Access to Schools team at
Please note that lockers are not available for valuables. Storage baskets will be available for belongings. There are separate Male and Female changing facilities but these are open plan with no private changing cubicles.
Getting here:
Travelling by Car
The postcode to use to find us is: Gauze Road, Bo'ness, EH51 9AS
Travelling by Train
The nearest train station to us is Linlithgow station which has regular trains on the Stirling, Glasgow and Edinburgh lines.
You can plan your train journey here.
Travelling by Bus
If you are traveling by bus there are few bus routes that stop near the Bo'ness Recreation Centre: 2, F45.
You can plan your bus journey here.
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