Carron Gymnastics Centre
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Carron Gymnastics Centre

  • General Info
  • Stay and Play Sessions
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  • Carronlea Drive,
    FK2 8DN
  • Free Parking
Opening hours
Closed Now
  • Mon 09:00 - 16:30
  • Tue 09:00 - 16:30
  • Wed 09:00 - 16:30
  • Thu 09:00 - 16:30
  • Fri 09:00 - 16:30
  • Sat 09:00 - 16:30
  • Sun CLOSED

Carron Gymnastics Centre will re-open on Saturday 11 November.

Carron Gymnastics Centre is a state of the art gymnastics training facility in Falkirk. The centre is the focal point of gymnastics development in Falkirk and has the full range of Women’s and Men’s artistic equipment and specialised training equipment including a foam pit, full size sprung floor and air and tumble tracks. It hosts everything from pre-school gymnastics, development sessions, gymnastics for fun, health and fitness sessions, holiday camps, adult sessions, UKCC training courses and is home to the competing section of two local gymnastics club, Tryst and Stenhousemuir Gymnastics Club.

Carron Gymnastics Centre allows access to a first class training facility currently not available in the area, a pathway of participation across all levels for gymnasts from Falkirk, from pre-school to no upper age limit, and a pathway into two competing gymnastics clubs. Importantly the most talented gymnasts and coaches can continue their development locally and supports two local clubs and their ambitions to be able to participate competitively at competitions.

We work together with Tryst Gymnastics Club and Stenhousemuir Gymnastics Club to develop gymnasts, coaches and volunteers at all levels from Falkirk by creating a progressive participation pathway for anyone aged 18months to over 80 years of age. We deliver an ability based development programme and once gymnasts are able and ready - based on the gymnastics curriculum - they are invited to train at Carron Gymnastics Centre. These classes act as a gateway into both our partner clubs.

Tryst GC acts as a development club, situated above pre-school and our development programme and delivers adult gymnastics coaching. They act as a gateway to Stenhousemuir GC identifying 2 key attributes (desire and talent to progress) from gymnasts to move to compete for Stenhousemuir GC.

Stenhousemuir GC acts as a competitive gymnastics club where the most willing and able gymnasts train and compete. They compete in MAGS floor and vault, Club and Elite Grades, WAGS floor and vault and National Development Pathway (Regional, National, Compulsory + Voluntary). 

Carron Gymnastics Centre is accessible to recreational level gymnasts and hosts fun based less structured sessions together with an extensive holiday camp programme.

These classes are term time only and will resume week beginning Monday 28th October.

Stay and Play Gymnastics sessions are for children aged 0 – 5 years at Carron Gymnastics Centre!

The sessions are: 

Monday 9:15am - 10:15am
Wednesdays from 9.15am – 10.15am
Thursdays from 12.45 – 1.45pm.

No pre-booking, just arrive at your chosen time. Adults are free and the cost is £4 for the first child and £3.50 for additional children. 

The sessions are open to all abilities and children (aged 0 – 5 years). In the sessions, the children get to play and explore the age-appropriate and exciting gymnastics equipment for their physical and social development. The training area has a range of equipment including a large floor area, beams, bars, rings, climbing apparatus, and a selection of soft play shapes.

Coaches will be on hand to manage safety at all times and to demonstrate how to use the equipment correctly. Please note this is not a gymnastics coaching session. These sessions are parent/carer led and parents/carers must be present at all times.

Related Events

Carronlea Drive, Stenhousemuir, FK2 8DN

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