André Rieu’s 2024 Christmas Concert: Gold and Silver (Piece of Magic)

Celebrate the holiday season with André Rieu's dazzling Christmas Concert, "Gold and
Silver," exclusively in cinemas! This magical event embodies the festive spirit of Christmas,
bringing joy, warmth, and sparkle to the big screen.

Get ready to be transported to the wondrous world of enchanting glamour that is André's
winter wonderland! Under the sparkle of 150 chandeliers and 50 Venetian candelabras,
feel your heart warm with the magical melody of all your favourite Christmas classics.
André Rieu will be joined on stage by his beloved Johann Strauss Orchestra, along with
special guest artists and the young and talented Emma Kok.

Don’t miss this chance to celebrate music, love, and Christmas sparkle, with André Rieu's
new Christmas Concert in cinemas - " Gold and Silver ".


10 Hope Street Bo'ness
EH51 0AA

01324 506850


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