Freya Cumming

Freya is an artist and illustrator who specialises in screen printing who graduated with a first-class Hons BA in Illustration and Printmaking from DJACD in Dundee and went on to complete an MA in Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking at UWE in Bristol. She loves drawing, painting and photography and finds screen printing the perfect medium for combining all three. 

In addition to creating limited edition screen prints, Freya designs hand-printed wallpapers and greeting cards, and undertakes public and private commissions for many varied projects. 

In 2021 she completed an eighteen-month project, commissioned by Tayside Healthcare Arts Trust to design the entirety of the artwork for the refurbished Neonatal Unit at Ninewells hospital. She creates the labels and branding for the Abernyte Brewery in Perthshire, and her  wallpapers have been commissioned for Boutique Hotels, shops, and private homes. 

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