A three-day trip climbing on the north face of the Ben - a chance to climb some of Scotland longest and finest routes in winter conditions. Routes will depend on conditions but could include any of the classics. Routes previously climbed on this trip include Tower Ridge IV 3, Glover’s Chimney III 4, Hadrian’s Wall Direct V 5, Green Gully IV 4, Harrison’s Climb Direct IV 4 and The Curtain IV, 5.
We’ll be based again at the world amous CIC mountaineering hut. This trip will include transport, accommodation and guiding as well as any climbing equipment required for the trip. You’ll need a sleeping bag for the hut, which has mixed alpine-style bunks, and you’ll need to bring your own food. The hut has a fully equipped kitchen, drying room and composting toilet.
Previous experience required– Seconding routes at Scottish Winter Climbing grade III or above and a good level of hill fitness. There are no small days on the Ben.
For more information email: outdooractivities@falkirk.gov.uk
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