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Classic Music Live! - Elena Fischer-Dieskau Piano

The German-French pianist Elena Fischer-Dieskau is consistently praised by critics and audiences for her intensely captivating stage presence, and provokes great enthusiasm each time she performs.
She was born in Berlin to a musical family. With a French mother, Elena grew up partly in France and attended the Conservatoire de Paris as a child before moving to the Hanover University of Music, Theatre and Media. Following this, she studied in the USA at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore with the legendary Leon Fleisher, where she completed her Graduate Performance Diploma.

As an undergraduate, Elena played the role of pianist in the French drama film Tout est pardonne. She has featured in programmes on BBC Radio Scotland and Radio 3. She is mentored by AlfredBrendel. She also taught at St Mary's Music school in Edinburgh from 2018 to 2022.
Programme: -
Clara Schumann Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann
Mel Bonis Women of Legend, Seven Pieces
Robert Schumann Waldszenen (Forest Scenes)
Robert Schumann Sonata No 2

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