As part of the ongoing celebrations for Kelpies 10 join us at The Kelpies to see the documentary and hear from those who made the vision come to life. Guest speakers include Jacqui Nicol, Felicity Starr, Mike King, Lesley O’Hare & Maureen Campbell.
For eight years, Glasgow-born sculptor, Andy Scott, was filmed working on the biggest project of his life - The Kelpies - 30m high steel horses’ heads, now standing alongside the Forth and Clyde Canal.
This film, narrated by Andy, follows the long - and at times challenging - process of creating the two 300 tonne sculptures, from design to installation. This enormous technical and engineering challenge involved engineers and fabricators in Yorkshire, steel mills in Hartlepool and Corby, metal-benders in Tipton, a steel plate factory in Sheffield and, at every stage, the sculptor himself.
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