
Dunmore A conversation in Pottery featuring artists Steph Liddle

2nd floor galleries, Callendar House

In this exhibition we want to celebrate Dunmore Pottery. Often viewed as art pottery, in reality it had a foot in both the industrial and the art pottery worlds.  Situated in Airth this fascinating pottery merged the need for mass production, to be financially viable, with the ability to produce ‘on trend’ pieces and highlight the artistic genius of its owner. As well as being business savvy Peter Gardiner, the owner of the pottery, was also a technically astute potter with an ability to produce glazes and colours that still amaze us today.

To help us understand and appreciate Gardner’s work we have commissioned artist Steph Liddle to respond to the collection and make her own work as an exploration of form and glazes inspired by Dunmore.

The exhibition will feature works by Dunmore Pottery alongside pieces made by Steph as a response to the museum collection.

Callendar House

Callendar Park,

01324 503772

Closed Now 10:00 - 17:00


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