Fit and Active Outdoor Activities

Intro to Ski Touring

Cost £75

The course is aimed at those who have on-piste experience but wish to move into the backcountry! The day will have an emphasis on skill acquisition and this will be delivered whilst in the context of a simple ski tour. Typical venues for these days include Geal Charn in the Drummochter Pass or the Lawers range above Loch Tay. During the day topics covered will include equipment familiarisation and use, ascending techniques (including the use of skins, heal risers and ski crampons), efficient travel, safe travel, and basic avalanche search and rescue techniques using transceiver, shovel and probe.  This course provides excellent preparation for our guided ski touring days.

Ski ability – confident descending red runs on pisted slopes.

**All our days are guided by a British Mountain Guide or Mountain ski Instructor**

All ski equipment (skis, boots, poles etc.) and safety equipment is available for clients and is included in the course fee, however you are welcome to bring your own.

For more information email:

Dates & Times

Saturday, 22 Mar 25 at 07:00 AM to 18:00 PM Outdoor Activities Base

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