
Memoir of a Snail (15)

  • Cert 15
Grace Pudel is a lonely misfit with an affinity for collecting ornamental snails and an intense love for books. At a young age, when Grace is separated from her fire-breathing twin brother Gilbert, she falls into a spiral of anxiety and angst. Despite a continued series of hardships, inspiration and hope emerge when she strikes up an enduring friendship with an elderly eccentric woman named Pinky, who is full of grit and lust for life. From Academy Award-winning® animation writer and director Adam Elliot, Memoir of a Snail is a poignant, heartfelt, hilarious chronicle of the life of an outsider finding her confidence and silver linings amongst the clutter of everyday life.


10 Hope Street Bo'ness
EH51 0AA

01324 506850


Dates & Times

Friday, 14 Mar 25 at 19:30 PM to 19:30 PM Hippodrome Book
Saturday, 15 Mar 25 at 19:30 PM to 19:30 PM Hippodrome Book

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