
More Moira Monologues & Moira in Lockdown - Dennyloanhead Community Hall

Tickets £15
Written and Performed by Alan Bissett
Directed by Sacha Kyle

Contains the use of strong language. Suitable for age 18+

What's better than an Alan Bisset Moira Monologues show? Two more... that's what! Join us for a brilliant double-bill of More Moira Monologues & Moira in Lockdown. If you're yet to catch the original Moira Monologues look no further, this is touring around the Falkirk area this June, tickets can be found here. 

More Moira Monologues 

Winner: Fringe First 2017
Shortlist: Best New Play at Critics’ Awards for Theatre in Scotland (CATS) 2018
She’s back! Straight-talking single mum Moira Bell returns in a new instalment of Alan Bissett’s much-loved one-woman show. Moira’s a gran now, but still telling hilarious home-truths about dating, her estranged sister, cleaning posh folk’s hooses, the return of her ex Billy, and Brexit.

Moira in Lockdown

In this third and final installment of what is now The Moira Trilogy, Falkirk’s hardest woman, Moira Bell, faces her toughest challenge yet: surviving a pandemic with only vodka, fags and her BFF Babs on Zoom. Take that, Bear Grylls!
Journey through the highs and lows of lockdown with myself, writer-performer Alan Bissett, returning as Moira, as she lusts after Joe Wickes, rages at Cummings and grows her own weed (might as well, seeing as the f**kin world’s ending, eh Babs?). She’s ‘the most charismatic character to appear on a Scottish stage in a decade’(The Scotsman) but this time she canny even leave the hoose!

Ticket Deal

Buy both 'The Moira Monologues’ and ‘More Moira Monologues/Moira in Lockdown Double Bill’ for £20 (saving of £4).

Dennyloanhead Community Hall

Haypark Rd, Dennyloanhead, Denny


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