Mountain Leader Assessment
Our assessment courses also run in two different formats. The traditional five days back to back or a split weekend. Both courses have five days contact time.
Full week: Days 1 & 2 - 08.30 - 18.30; Days 3 - 5 - Exped - 09.00 - overnight - 17.30. Dates for this are 16 - 20 June and 6 - 10 October 2025.
Split course: First weekend - Days 1 & 2 - 08.30 - 18.30. Second weekend - Day 3 - 09.30 - overnight, Day 4 - full day - overnight, Day 5 - return 17.30. Dates for the split courses are: Assessment Course 1 - First weekend - 3 - 4 May. Second weekend - 10 - 12 May. Assessment Course 2 - First weekend 6 - 7 September. Second weekend - 13 - 15 September. Assessment Course 3 - First weekend 1 - 2 November. Second weekend 8 - 10 November.
Mountain Leaders offer people an opportunity to explore the UK and Ireland's highest mountains on foot, where spectacular views feed the soul, challenging terrain tests the body and making the right decisions is essential. Mountain Leaders can also lead walks in hill, moorland and lowland areas. 5 days - 8.30am - 7.30pm with variable start time on Expedition days.
For more information: Mountain Leader
Bothkennar Hub, Main Street, Skinflats, FK2 8NU
01324 506846
Open Today 09:00 - 17:00
Dates & Times
Saturday, 03 May 25 - Sunday, 04 May 25 at 08:30 AM to 19:30 PM | Outdoor Activities Base | |
Monday, 16 Jun 25 - Friday, 20 Jun 25 at 08:30 AM to 19:30 PM | Outdoor Activities Base | |
Saturday, 06 Sep 25 - Sunday, 07 Sep 25 at 08:30 AM to 19:30 PM | Outdoor Activities Base | |
Monday, 06 Oct 25 - Friday, 10 Oct 25 at 08:30 AM to 19:30 PM | Outdoor Activities Base | |
Saturday, 01 Nov 25 - Sunday, 02 Nov 25 at 08:30 AM to 19:30 PM | Outdoor Activities Base |
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