Neil Brand: Music in Action (12A)

Train crashes, mid-air dogfights, floods and earthquakes, swordfights and gangster shootouts – these are the action highlights of Golden Age Hollywood which have gripped audiences for nearly a century. They all had their precursors in the Silent era and Neil Brand brings together Silent and Sound sequences to show how the music is working when the screen is exploding with fast-moving mayhem. 

San Francisco gets destroyed, a Western town gets swept away by floods, a train crashes over a gorge, gangsters shoot it out on city streets and pirates duel it out with cutlass and pistol. Clips drawn from silent and sound films show how cinema has handled its action sequences over the years, and Neil Brand shows how the music works with these heart-stopping sequences, accompanying the silent set-pieces on the piano, and rounding the whole show off with Buster Keaton’s magical Sherlock Junior, which contains more action, stunts, tricks and high-speed mayhem than all the previous clips put together. 

This is a new show to please everybody, and the whole family can sit back and enjoy cinematic and musical artistry, live and at its best!


10 Hope Street Bo'ness
EH51 0AA

01324 506850


Dates & Times

Saturday, 03 May 25 at 19:30 PM to 19:30 PM Hippodrome Book

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