An iconic film of German expressionist cinema, and one of the most famous of all silent movies, F. W. Murnau’s Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens continues to haunt — and, indeed, terrify — modern audiences with the unshakable power of its images. By teasing a host of occult atmospherics out of dilapidated set-pieces and innocuous real-world locations, Murnau captured on celluloid the deeply-rooted elements of a waking nightmare.
In this first-ever screen adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, a simple real-estate transaction leads an intrepid businessman deep into the superstitious heart of Transylvania. There he encounters the otherworldly Count Orlok who soon after embarks upon a cross-continental voyage to take up residence in a distant new land… and establish his ambiguous dominion. As to whether the count’s campaign against the plague-wracked populace erupts from satanic decree, erotic compulsion, or the simple impulse of survival — that remains, perhaps, the greatest mystery of all.
Murnau’s surreal 1922 cine-fable remains the original and landmark entry in the entire global tradition of “the horror film”.
Dir. F.W. Murnau | Germany | 1922 | cert PG | 1h 35m
With: Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Gustav von Wangenheim
The Hippodrome is proud to present the definitive restoration, complete with original intertitles and live accompaniment by Hugo Max on viola and piano.
Special Multi-Ticket Deal: Pre-book for all three screenings for just £36 (£30 concession). No booking fees
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