Time flies. Fifty years ago, to the day of the Scenes exhibition opening was the Grangemouth Rock Festival, fabled among locals, rivalled by Falkirk's Callendar House Gigs of the same summer.
Scenes use the story of these events to bring the more remarkable story of the region's contribution and love of music. From the reporting and raving in reviews and zines to international idolization, Scenes air in public the area's voice to ask what these events mean to us now and then while immersing us in the visual language of 1970s pop.
By working through the archive collection, reconfiguring it to contrast how information was passed then and how we consume this slice of culture today in various apps and browser windows.
Scenes have on display material from the gigs, photographs, Fanzine publications, guest commentaries and the psychogeography of Grangemouth from The Cocteau Twin's Robin Guthrie.
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