Science at The Kelpies: RSE Women in Science Exhibition

  • Free Entry

‘My greatest desire is not to be the only woman on a committee, or a slate of speakers as so often happens just now.’

‘I hope my visibility demonstrates that women can be good scientists – particularly the physical sciences - and effective members of the scientific community.’

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Join us at the Helix visitor’s centre throughout Falkirk Science Festival for a very exciting exhibition. The Royal Society of Edinburgh’s ‘Women in Science in Scotland’ pop up exhibition celebrates and spotlights 26 exceptional woman scientists across Scotland. As Scotland's National Academy, the RSE is proud to number among its Fellowship some of the most talented leaders, thinkers and practitioners working in Scotland today.

Some of these women are from Scotland, and others are from further afield and have chosen to base their research and make their homes here. These women are all leaders and pioneers in their fields; they are at the vanguard of new ideas, knowledge, and technologies – they are collectively shaping our understanding of the world, supporting a more sustainable use of resources, and securing advances in health care. Throughout the exhibition, you can learn about what these women love about their life in science: the joy of discovering and learning new things, the satisfaction of collaborating with colleagues from various disciplines and what it means to be a woman in STEM today.

From the first woman Professor of Chemical Engineering in Scotland to finding the first radio pulses in 1967, discover the incredible stories of women in STEM in Scotland at the RSE’s Women in Science Exhibition.

The Helix, Home of The Kelpies

Falkirk, FK2 7ZT

01324 590600


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