The Scurry Around the Helix 10km is a mainly tarmac or hard packed and relatively flat (only 75ft of ascent and descent) 10km, starting in The Helix Park and passing the Kelpies before winding around a circuit of the Cobblebrae community woodland and skirting along the River Carron to return to the Finish on The Helix Great Lawn.
10k - min. age 15yrs on the day of the run. Limited entries.
The Scurry Around The Helix 1mile Fun Run starts on the great lawn then follows a clockwise circuit around The Helix Lawn and Helix Lagoon.
1.5km - no age restrictions - adults must accompany young children around the event - adults are free and don't need to sign up. Older children can run ahead of parents but a parent or guardian must be happy for them to do so and meet them at the finish.
Dates & Times
Saturday, 26 Apr 25 at 08:45 AM | The Helix, Home of The Kelpies | Book Now |
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