
Silent Men: The Awkward Art of Expressing Emotion (12A)

Why do men struggle to show their feelings? Join us for a screening of SILENT MEN followed by a thought-provoking discussion on breaking down the barriers that prevent men from expressing their emotions. The panel discussion will be led by Dr. Steve Kelly (Counsellor and Psychotherapist) alongside representatives from Andy's Man Shed and the Scottish Men's Shed. Let's work together to create a more open and supportive environment for men to share their feelings.
Part therapy, part road trip, BAFTA award winning filmmaker Duncan Cowles asks men how they open up in order to directly address his own difficulties in being intimate and open with his loved ones.
With profound honesty and deadpan wit, SILENT MEN intertwines awkward conversations and the filmmaking process, asking what makes men tick, and more importantly, how to come to terms with all aspects of health, both physical and mental.
Exploring aspects of masculinity that all too often are little discussed, this film opens the door for other ways of being, communicating and healing, as well as attempting to define masculinity.


10 Hope Street Bo'ness
EH51 0AA

01324 506850


Dates & Times

Sunday, 11 May 25 at 19:30 PM to 19:30 PM Hippodrome Book

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