
Somewhere to Stay

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Somewhere To Stay, a moving art exhibition by Diana Forster.

Conceived in dialogue with the University of St Andrews’ Visualising War and Peace project, the exhibition tells the true story of how Diana Forster’s mother, Anna Sokulska Forster, was forced to leave her home in eastern Poland during World War II. After being sent to Siberian labour camps by Russian soldiers, Anna’s long journey to safety took her through Uzbekistan, Iran, and East Africa before finally settling in the UK.

The story of her journey is told through ten laser-cut panels inspired by traditional Polish paper cutting (wycinanki).

The images create shadows on the walls, representing the “long shadow of war.” This powerful artwork highlights the struggles and strength of people who are forced to leave their homes through conflict. It also connects to Scotland’s history, where many Polish exiles rebuilt their lives after the war.

Dr Alice Konig, principal investigator from the University of St Andrews comments:

‘Somewhere to Stay brings home one of war’s life-changing impacts, inviting us to walk in the footsteps of people who have been displaced by conflict and to understand some of what they experience.'

Leader of the Council, Cecil Meiklejohn, goes on to say:

'Falkirk Council is proud to host Somewhere to Stay at Callendar House. This exhibition explores a deeply personal story within the context of beautiful art, while highlighting the ongoing impact of displacement. It offers visitors a space for reflection and understanding of both past and ongoing displacement.’

As Falkirk’s historic home to culture and heritage, Callendar House provides a poignant backdrop for these stories, encouraging visitors to reflect on the significance of displacement and forced migration in shaping communities past and present.

For more information, visit Somewhere to stay – Visualising Forced Migration

Callendar House

Callendar Park,

01324 503772

Open Today 10:00 - 17:00


Dates & Times

Saturday, 29 Mar 25 - Sunday, 07 Sep 25 at 10:00 AM Callendar House

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