
Sunshine on Leith

Tickets from £10.50
A jubilant, heartfelt musical about the power of home, the hearth, family and love featuring the songs of The Proclaimers.

Sunshine on Leith follows the highs and lows of Ally and his friend Davy as they search for normality after returning from a tour in Afghanistan. Families, friendships and life are not all plain sailing in this funny and moving story about love and life.

Ally's marriage proposal is rejected by his childhood sweetheart, a nurse disillusioned with the part-privatised NHS, moves to the US to seek career fulfilment instead. Meanwhile, Davy gets a job in a call centre while his parents war over the discovery, years on, of father's infidelity.

Sunshine on Leith is a vibrant, energetic piece of musical theatre, loved by audiences and critics alike.

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