Ben Lui & Beinn a'Chleibh - 12.2km with 1120 metres of ascent
These hills are usually tackled from Glen Lochy, which is straighforward (albeit with a wee river crossing at the start) but it misses the main feature of the area - the magnificent Coire Gaothach. this outing will take in the coire by its almost alpine eastern ridge. Our route fords the river (bring trainers or wellies), plowters up through the forestry to Ciochan Beinn Laoigh, traverses round to the Allt Coire Ghaothaich, then onto the fine east ridge which we take all the way to the summit of Ben Lui. Beinn a'Chleibh is reached and then descended from the the well-worn Munro-tickers path back to the Lochay. Expect a fair bit of graft.
Previous winter walking experience or completion of a recent winter skills course, is an essential prerequisite for this walk.
Bothkennar Hub, Main Street, Skinflats, FK2 8NU
01324 506846
Open Today 09:00 - 17:00
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