Winter Mountaineering - North-East Ridge Beinn Ime (Grade II) Arrochar
This fine ridge gives around 1km of turfy and icy mountaineering that is open to variation with the climax being the final tower. Approach on foot can be avalanche prone, so having alternative objectives on differing aspects on the nearby Cobbler gives a potential fall-back option.
Our mountaineering days will take you along a classic ridge or up a graded gully. The days will normally involve the use of just a walking axe (not technical climbing axes); however the variable nature of the Scottish winter conditions can make a grade I plod highly exciting on the day.
A good level of competence in winter hill walking is required for these days.
For more information email:
Bothkennar Hub, Main Street, Skinflats, FK2 8NU
01324 506846
Open Today 09:00 - 17:00
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