We are currently experiencing issues with our online booking system for events, including film bookings for The Hippodrome. Please call our Box Office to book tickets on 01324 506850, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

Gas supply issues in local area

02 December 2019

Gas supply issues in local area

An update from Falkirk Community Trust on our venues and the recent issues with gas supply in the local area.

We are sorry to hear of the recent issues that are affecting the gas supply in the local area. We are happy to report that all Falkirk Community Trust venues (with the exception of Carron Gymnastics Centre and swimming lessons at St Mungo's high school) are fully operational. Customers who have swimming lessons at St Mungo's will be contacted shortly with information.

We understand this is a challenging time for many Falkirk residents and we are keen to help wherever we can in your attempts to stay safe and warm. Our sports venues have shower facilities and we will waive the charges for these at this time, so if you need to shower then please visit our sports facilities and we will try our best to accommodate you.

We are aware that many schools and nurseries have had to close so remember that the Mariner Leisure Centre’s softplay area, swimming pools, libraries and Callendar House are all open today and would be happy to see you.

We hope that you are able to stay warm whilst having fun with your children in some of our facilities.

We will update the website and our social media channels with any new information as and when required.

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