Somewhere to Stay: Exploring Migration and Forced Displacement Through Art Opening on the 29th March, Callendar House will host Somewhere To Stay, a moving art exhibition by Diana Forster. Conceived in dialogue with the University of St Andrews’ Visualising War and Peace project, the exhibition tells the true story of how Diana Forster’s mother, Anna Sokulska Forster, was forced to leave her home in eastern Poland during World War II. After being sent to Siberian labour camps by Russian soldiers, Anna’s long journey to safety took her through Uzbekistan, Iran, and East Africa before finally settling in the UK.
Two new exhibitions are offering a look into the area’s rich pottery history and the contemporary ceramics scene in Scotland. "Dunmore: A Conversation in Pottery" and "FLUX” open this Saturday (24 August) and local people and art enthusiasts are invited to explore the legacy of Dunmore Pottery and the innovative work of modern Scottish ceramicists.
When I told a friend from London I was going back to Falkirk his first question was “where is that?”. My answer was simple – “Falkirk is at the heart of everything”.
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Sleeping Beauty performance scheduled to take place tonight, Saturday 17 December at 7pm FTH Theatre due to cast and crew illness.
Falkirk Council would like to apologise to customers for the disruptions to performances of Sleeping Beauty last week and this week.
Unfortunately, we have had to cancel the Sleeping Beauty performance scheduled to take place at 19.00 on Friday 9 December at FTH Theatre.
FAQs regarding the closure of FTH Theatre (Falkirk Town Hall)
At a meeting held on Wednesday 28 September 2022, Falkirk Council voted in favour to permanently close FTH (Falkirk Town Hall) Theatre on Monday 6 February 2023.
Audition submissions are now open for Sleeping Beauty 2022 at FTH Theatre!
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