Statement 15 December 2021

15 December 2021

Statement 15 December 2021


Following the announcement made by the First Minister yesterday (Tues 14 Dec), regarding updating COVID guidance for the public and businesses, we await further sector guidance from the Scottish Government and any updates will be shared across our website and social channels in the coming days. 

In the meantime, all of our venues and services will remain open, and we will continue to adhere to the current guidance to help keep our customers and staff safe.  We will re-introduce social distancing measures and one-way systems where appropriate in indoor venues.  Enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures will remain in place, as will our adherence to Test and Protect, we will continue to support the mandatory wearing of face coverings indoors (unless exempt, eating, or drinking) and have multiple hand sanitising stations are available at all sites. 

Following government recommendations, we are asking our staff and customers to take lateral flow tests before mixing outside of their household, and in support of the Scottish Government advice, we are encouraging employees to ensure that they are double vaccinated and giving adequate time off to arrange booster jabs.  For those customers who have booked Panto tickets or Festive afternoon teas and now have to self-isolate for the date of their visit, we will offer a credit or full refund.  For the most up-to-date information on what we are doing to keep our customers and staff safe, please visit our FAQ section on our website here.



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