Callendar Park Cycling Hub

Sports 15 January 2024

Callendar Park Cycling Hub

Work began early January, to transform an underused area of Callendar Park into a new all season cycle skills area and aims to create a gateway to cycling at the heart of Falkirk.

The project aims to enhance community cycling opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. We especially hope that families, under-16s, Junior Bike Club participants & adults interested in taking more everyday journeys by bike will take advantage of the new facilities.

A brand new Active Travel Hub will be created within the unused Par 3 pavilion, providing information and maps to promote local routes encouraging more active travel. 

The cycling area  will be located at the west side of the park, near the former golf course and will include various mountain bike training areas and will cater for both existing cycling clubs and beginners

The trails include:

Blue Grade Flow Trail

The proposed blue flow trail aims to deliver a fun and engaging riding experience. The trail's features will primarily consist of gentle rollers and bends that riders of all levels can navigate.

Red Grade Technical Trail

The red-graded technical trail is designed to grow riders' confidence and technical skills while maintaining the predictability and enjoyment found on the neighbouring blue trail.

Red Grade Technical Climb

The technical climb will incorporate rock steps and uphill rock gardens designed to challenge riders' bike control skills.

Jump Trail

The jump trail is designed to serve as an ideal platform for progressing riders through the fundamentals of jumping.

The facility was awarded £157k from SportScotland (Cycling Facilities Fund) along with contributions from Falkirk Council (£85k) and Paths for All (£55k).

The contract to build the new trail facility was awarded in July to Archtrail Velosolutions Ltd UK.

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