07 June 2023
Volunteers Week 2023
From the 1st - 7th June is #VolunteersWeek we are celebrating some of our amazing volunteers who help make many of our leisure and culture activities possible! If you feel inspired by our volunteers you can see our current opportunities here. Have a read about some of our amazing volunteers below:
Name: George Risk - Area: Sport
In his role George organises and sets up the equipment for the sessions, welcomes new members and works with any who wants to improve their game.
George volunteers because he likes promoting a sport that can be enjoyed by people of any age or ability. The table tennis club is a great opportunity for members to get some exercise and socialise in a friendly welcoming environment.
When asked what he enjoys about volunteering George said "The interaction with members is an enjoyable part of volunteering, it has never been a chore but a get together of people with different backgrounds and abilities and hopefully, the members get as much enjoyment out of the sessions as I do. I also really like seeing the improvement in people's abilities and the new friendships that are made."
Name: Davey - Area: Helix Park
In his role Davey has helped with painting the fences, cutting trees and creating woodland fences.
Davey said "I volunteer for my mental health. I love being outside. I like meeting up with people that have been through similar situations and no-one is judgemental."
Name: Liam Maguire - Area: Muiravonside Country Park
Liam assists and supports the country park ranger at Muirvonside Country Park with a variety of tasks which have included: pathway maintenance and repairs, litter picking, tree and bush lopping, planting wild flower seed and orchard pruning.
More recently and following additional training River quality analysis for freshwater invertebrates and butterfly/bee monitoring have also formed part of his monthly duties.
Liam said "This has been my first voluntary role since retirement and it’s been thoroughly enjoyable and worthwhile. Along with the benefits of physical exercise working outside throughout the seasons the mental health benefits are equally as important to me. Meeting new people from different backgrounds and having that real sense of accomplishment after a task is complete is one reason for me to give a few hours of my time per week."
"I love learning new skills, developing knowledge and with the additional training provided I have learned to appreciate the importance of preserving and maintaining a park where the public can enjoy the outdoors and nature. I would highly recommend anyone with some spare time and an interest in preserving their local park to consider volunteering at Muiravonside Country Park."
Name: Bill Bedborough - Area: Hippodrome Cinema
Billy has volunteered at Hippfest since 2016. In his volunteer role Billy has sorted the ‘goodie’ bags, handed out and collected evaluation forms from the audience, welcomed and managed the flow of customers into the films along with many other tasks during his years of volunteering at the festival.
When asked why he volunteers Billy said "Glasgow born and bred, inevitably cinema(s) became an essential and continuing part of my up bringing! After a career which took me to other areas of Scotland, I eventually settled in Dollar on my retirement . A good friend invited me to visit ‘Hippfest’.. about which I was totally ignorant! -- with him some eight years ago and I was totally blown away by the experience!"
"All the very best things I remembered about my own cinema-going in Glasgow seemed to have been incorporated into ‘The Hippodrome ‘ and the Festival ! Plus as it was essentially silent films on show, it was now possible to see classic movies produced world wide and often to have critical introductions by experts to them. I attended the Festival six or seven times that year and indicated I would love to become a volunteer. I subsequently formally applied for the 2016 Hippfest and was delighted to be invited to participate. I have been doing so --give or take Covid interruption !! -every year since and my enthusiasm for the whole project is unabated and grows with every year I have had the privilege to have a small part in it!"
"The opportunity to meet and work with so many interesting and equally enthusiastic people, the chance to see so many classic silent films, the chance to hear so many film experts giving informed lectures about the films, the accompanying music -- invariably appropriate and brilliant and of course the infectious sense of teamwork ,common purpose and unfailing enthusiasm which comes from the organisers."
Name: David Hannah - Area: Events
David is a volunteer who has worked at a number of our events and venues including Falkirk Stadium, The Helix, Callendar Park, Muiravonside Country Park, Callendar House and Hippodrome Cinema Bo’ness.
As a volunteer, David has welcome customers to the events, handed out information leaflets, answered customer questions. David volunteers to gain work experience and he enjoys meeting new people and getting out and about.
Name: Joe Moan - Area: Sports
Joe volunteers at St Margaret's Primary School, where his son Jack attends. This term the activities have been Boccia and Soft Archery. He is also now leading on a multi-sport class for pupils with a visual impairment. Joe has a visual impairment himself and has previously worked for the RNIB and had been a Youth Worker. Another session Joe supports is Boccia at Grangemouth Sport Complex which his son attends.
When asked about his volunteering Joe said "It gets me out of the house, socialising and I enjoy working with the kids and giving something back."
Name: Atlas - Area: Callendar House
As a volunteer, Atlas welcome visitors to the exhibition, talks with them, directs them and answers any questions they may have about the building or the exhibition. Altas then log these interactions in a diary kept in the gallery.
Atlas volunteers because "I want to give back to my home town. I've lived in the area basically my whole life and have always been infatuated with the history. Helping in the exhibition brings me joy as I'm working in the field I want to go into. I enjoy getting to help people, it's a very rewarding experience."
Name: Sabrina Da Rocha Hunter - Area: Marketing
Sabrina has been supporting the marketing team as part of her work experience placement through her university course. In her role she has been visiting venues and events along with creating and scheduling content for social media.
Sabrina said about her volunteering "I enjoy being creative and challenged and marketing is a field that always delivers new challenges and offers ample opportunities. I'm also looking to gain experience and grow as a professional. I like creating social media content and whilst doing what I love while also contributing to the organisation."